Best Classes in Dragon Age: Inquisition

Best Classes in Dragon Age: Inquisition

At the start of Dragon Age: Inquisition, players have the option to customize their character before heading out into the world. Players can customize their race, appearance, and even class. The choice of your class can strongly affect gameplay and character experiences.

The Five Best Dragon Ages: Inquisition Classes

Finding the best class for your DAI Inquisitor can be daunting. Each class comes with different unique abilities and perks that can change the way you play the game. Luckily, here are the best of the classes from the list below.


Best Classes in Dragon Age: Inquisition

Champions are part of the warrior section of classes. They are your classic warrior types, using armor and weapons such as swords to fight. While not the best for maximum damage, champions are reliable when it comes to defense. Champions have the hardest time getting killed in combat, making them a great choice for those who may not yet be skilled in combat strategy. They're not the flashiest of classes, but they're a traditional and robust addition to any RPG, especially DAI.


Best Classes in Dragon Age: Inquisition

The Artificer is in the rogue category, which means they will be incredibly stealthy and use creative methods to achieve their goals. They will use traps and deadly inventions to fight, making them unpredictable enemies to be reckoned with. They also have the special knack for reducing wait times between moves when in a group that scores critical hits. Even at lower levels, the Artificer has powerful abilities that bring a high level of damage. Some even accused the artificer of being overpowered.


Best Classes in Dragon Age: Inquisition

The Tempest is also part of the rogue section of classes. Storms can use alchemy to wield chaotic results against dragons and other enemies. Unlike the Artificer, Tempests can be gifted with dual wielding for maximum effect in attacks. They can be especially useful for combining speed and damage elements to be effective against all threats. Their use of frost and flame makes them an interesting and more exciting choice. Mages can sometimes be useful, but a storm will have just as many magical elements.


Best Classes in Dragon Age: Inquisition

Assassins are the third part of the group of thugs. Rogues are particularly useful due to their unconventional methods of attack and defense, making them useful additions to groups. They are both excellent in offense and group defense. While assassins require more attention to detail (no spam attacks here), their attacks are fast and have a good chance of critically making them stealthy and powerful competitors.


Best Classes in Dragon Age: Inquisition

The Reavers are part of the warrior group. They are ruthless, only becoming emboldened as fights go badly, making them loyal members of the party. Reavers have a unique ability that allows them to have a move that deals damage to both ends and a move that boosts their health. While Champions are great, strict fighters, Reavers offer a bit more of a multi-faceted combat experience.

Want to know more about Dragon Age: Inquisition? Stay tuned for more content on Pro Game Guides.

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