Gotham Knights: Batman is dead, but the next generation is here, here are 2 videos with lots of gameplay

    Gotham Knights: Batman is dead, but the next generation is here, here are 2 videos with lots of gameplay

    It is therefore Gotham Knights which will take over from Rocksteady's Batman Arkham series as we were able to discover during the DC Fandom where a large slice of gameplay was revealed to us. Scheduled for 2021, and developed by Warner Bros. Games Montreal (Batman Arkham Origins in 2013), this title will immerse us in the after Batman in the heart of Gotham. As we can see in the trailer, a video-testament of Bruce Wayne is broadcast, and makes us understand that it is now up to the new generation to fight against the scum. Robin, Nightwing, Redhood and Batgirl will therefore join forces and investigate the circumstances of the death of the batman.


    Gotham Knights is therefore presented as an action game with RPG elements. Indeed, players will be able to embody different characters, and make them gain levels, in order to unlock new skills. Better, we can also play cooperatively for two (but only online, no local coop) in order to combine the powers and combat styles of each character, knowing that we can rush into the heap, or attempt infiltration. In the trailer, we discover Batgirl in full action, with her motorcycle, and her various gadgets including a grappling hook. In this case, the enemy is the famous Mister Freeze and his acolytes, always busy wrecking the climate.


    According to Patrick Redding, creative director of the game, the fight against Mr Freeze will be very different if our character is level 5 or 15, knowing that the differences will not be limited to statistics, but will also concern the type of attacks used, and even the defense strategy. In short, we can't wait to learn more about this new game. Gotham Knights will be released in 2021 on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One and Xbox Series X.


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