Homeworld 3: new gameplay appears during gamescom 2022

    Homeworld 3: new gameplay appears during gamescom 2022
    Still no release date in sight for Homeworld 3, but news from gamescom 2022, as the game made a small appearance during Opening Night Live. The opportunity to remember that this episode has changed creamery, that it is Gearbox Publishing which publishes it and that it is the Blackbird Interactive studio which is in development. The latter reminds us how much the license has a very special attraction and to pay tribute to this series which was born in 1999, new gameplay mechanics have been added, such as the presence of cover tactics, a clearer user interface and easier to use controls. On the story side, Homeworld 3's campaign will take us past the golden age of commerce and galactic exploration that followed Karan S'Jet's discovery of the ancient jump portal network. Today, a dark threat known as the Anomaly is spreading, engulfing portals and planets alike in its darkness. Imogen S'Jet, Karan's successor, is the only one who holds the key to solving this mystery and ensuring the future of the galaxy. Of course, in addition to the single-player campaign, Homeworld 3 will also be playable in multiplayer, with the added bonus of a new cooperative roguelike mode. While waiting for the release for the second half of 2023, here is a new video.

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