I Am Jesus Christ: the gameplay has finally been revealed, it immediately makes you dream less

    Announced in 2019 somewhat to everyone's surprise, I Am Jesus Christ gave us news of its Kickstarter campaign in January 2021. We learned at that time that a Prologue will be released before the final game in order to allow players and contributors to test the gameplay a bit. After almost two years of radio silence, the developers of the SimulaM studio are back with several news. The first is that the Prologue will be launched on Steam on December 1, which is likely to attract a good bunch of streamers who are no doubt curious to discover the first steps of Jesus after his resurrection. Secondly, we are finally entitled to a gameplay video, which finally allows us to see what the final result will really look like.

    Clearly, we are far from the rendering of the first videos in 2019 (and even last year), where the game displayed a more attractive plastic. Instead in 2022, we are dealing with a title with completely obsolete production and archaic animations. So certainly, the developers had warned us that it was a game with reduced funding, but it was difficult not to think that there was deception on the merchandise.

    After the disappointment, we remind you that I Am Jesus Christ is a game inspired by stories from the New Testament which will allow you to discover all aspects of the life of Jesus, from his baptism to his resurrection. We see the son of God turning water into wine, treating a wounded child or giving hope to desperate people. The prologue will provide access to a short, free version of the game, in which players will explore ancient Nazareth and the way of life of that time. It will also be possible to survey the different places where Jesus Christ walked and performed his miracles.

    And yes, we will be tempted by Satan in the desert and we will have to fight to stay on the right path. Otherwise, know that the prologue will offer 2 game modes: a normal mode for experienced players and a story mode for new players who do not want big challenges. The estimated duration of the prologue is more than 1 hour of play, but the developers specify that this demo will last longer if we try to explore everything. The full version of I Am Jesus Christ is expected to launch in the first quarter of 2023.

    I Am Jesus Christ: the gameplay has finally been revealed, it immediately makes you dream less

    I Am Jesus Christ: the gameplay has finally been revealed, it immediately makes you dream less

    I Am Jesus Christ: the gameplay has finally been revealed, it immediately makes you dream less

    I Am Jesus Christ: the gameplay has finally been revealed, it immediately makes you dream less

    I Am Jesus Christ: the gameplay has finally been revealed, it immediately makes you dream less

    I Am Jesus Christ: the gameplay has finally been revealed, it immediately makes you dream less

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