Magic energy, how to get it?

Magical Energy is essential in the evolution of your wizard, the latter being the basic resource in Harry Potter: Wizards Unite. Indeed, while in Pokémon GO, another augmented reality game developed by Niantic, the Pokéballs give you the ability to catch the different Pokémon that present themselves, granting you in passing, when you catch them, a more or less amount high EXP, allowing you to level up, in Wizards Unite the equivalent would undoubtedly be Magical Energy. The latter is essential for casting spells during your various encounters., whether they face Seals or Enemies in Wizard Challenges. Each spell casting attemptwhether successful or not, removes Magical Energy from you. From then on, you will understand the importance of this resource in Wizards Unite, the game being based on the magical universe of Harry Potter. Of course, Magical Energy doesn't recharge if you stop playing for a while, but different solutions are available to you in order to recover and inflate your stock of Energy.

The hotels

The Inn will obviously be your best ally in your quest for Magical Energy. Designed to recharge this essential resource in Wizards Unite, the Inn will grant you a random amount of Magical Energy at each of your passages, depending on the color of the latter and the dishes it offers. Indeed, unlike Pokémon GO where all PokéStops are the same, Wizards Unite offers several types of Inns, recognizable by their specific color, depending on where you are. Some will only be available in rural areas while others can only be found in town, each of them offering specialties of their own. Thus, Inns with green roofs and gray facades will serve the most interesting dishes.

Magic energy, how to get it?
Once you have entered an Inn to retrieve a dish and the associated Magical Energy, you will have to wait five minutes before you can return. Smoke will emerge from the chimney of the latter, indicating that the kitchens are preparing new dishes for their future sorcerer client. In order to learn more about the different Auberges and the dishes they distribute, we invite you to read our complete guide on the subject.

  • Inns allow you to have 3 to 10 Magical Energy per visit.
  • Inns have a 5 minute cooldown, with smoke rising from the Inn's chimney until it is recharged.
  • The amount of Magical Energy recovered varies depending on the dish and the color of the Inn.
  • Our complete guide to Hostels.


Magic energy, how to get it?For those who don't know, Les Serres allow wizards to gather and grow ingredients for the preparation of their potions. When you enter a Greenhouse, you will see three pots containing plants, pulling one of the three plants up will give you a mystery ingredient, accompanied, if you are lucky, by Magical Energy. Indeed, Greenhouses are able to provide you with this essential resource, but always in limited supply, the objective of which is, first of all, to allow you to grow and harvest ingredients. 

  • Talons can occasionally give you Magical Energy.
  • However, the percentage is particularly low and will not, in any case, cover your needs.
  • If you are lucky, you will be awarded 4 Magical Energy. 
  • The Talons have a 5 minute cooldown, a red flag will be erected on the latter until it is recharged.
  • Our complete guide to Greenhouses.

Daily treasures and missions

Daily missions will be another alternative allowing you to collect some precious Magical Energy. Indeed, every day, the Ministry of Magic will prepare a list of missions to be carried out in order to fight against the Calamity. More or less difficult, these should reward you with different elements and resources, ranging from Potions, to EXP and Magical Energy. The missions must be completed within the allotted time since they reset every day at midnight. 

Magic energy, how to get it?Daily Treasures, rewards offered daily by the Ministry of Magic to thank you for your involvement in the fight against the Calamity, will offer you five times a month to recover, free, 8 to 11 Magical Energy. Be sure to keep an eye on the current month's calendar so you don't forget to collect these important rewards. 

  • Completing a Daily Mission can reward you with a sizeable amount of Magical Energy.
  • Daily Treasures occasionally contain 8 to 11 Magical Energy

The shop, Diagon Alley

Of course, the most impatient and less courageous wizards will always have the possibility, if they wish, to go through the Diagon Alley box, otherwise known as the Shop. In exchange for 100 Gold, you will be able to have 50 Magical Energy, the equivalent of 1,36 €. However, rest assured, Gold is also received as a reward for many activities, not requiring you to use your bank card to top up your Magical Energy supply.

  • Packs of 50 Magical Energy can be exchanged for 100 Gold. 
  • Our complete guide to the Shop.
If you want more information about Harry Potter: Wizards Unite or join an active community to share pleasant moments with other players, we invite you to join the Harry Potter: Wizards Unite France Community Discord.
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