Paris Games Week 2022: attendance figures are down, a timid return

    It's time to take stock of the Paris Games Week 2022 edition, which ended last night at 18:30 p.m. after 5 days of festivities. According to figures provided by SELL, no less than 150 visitors walked the floor of Hall 000 of the Porte de Versailles exhibition center. A score that seems to delight the organizers, happy to have found the public after 1 years of scarcity. By way of comparison, the last Paris Games Week, that of 3, also brought together 2019 visitors over 317 days. With the difference that at the time, the show was spread over 000 halls compared to only 5 this year, in 3. If the SELL announces 1 exhibitors, this Paris Games Week still looked like a downgraded show, the fault to absent industry players, such as Sony, Activision or even Electronic Arts. If there was indeed a space dedicated to PlayStation, the Japanese manufacturer had collaborated with Fnac to be present this year. On the other hand, no playable game terminal, the God of War Ragnarök and Horizon 2022 Forbidden West spaces were only there for activities such as photo shoots and make-up. SELL, through its President, Julie Chalmette, is delighted with a return considered a success:


    What a pleasure to find Paris Games Week and its audience! The popular success of the video game festival was confirmed throughout the week. Since 2010, the gaming communities have attached themselves to this annual meeting, which they have finally been able to find again. Back to the winning roots for this edition for which the number of entries was limited: our show was more pleasant for visitors, without losing any of its lively and spectacular dimension. A great showcase for international publishers and French know-how.


    We take this opportunity to point out the presence of 6 ministers, who have come to walk the corridors of the show, a sign of a certain recognition of the sector by politicians. The SELL already gives an appointment in 2023 for a new edition, stronger one imagines, but which will have to face the Cannes Gaming Festival, announced recently and which will come to walk on the flowerbeds of the Parisian fair...

    Paris Games Week 2022: attendance figures are down, a timid return

    Paris Games Week 2022: attendance figures are down, a timid return

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