PS5: Sony unveils the controller in full containment, here is the DualSense!

    While the small world of video games was preparing for Microsoft's new Inside Xbox, Sony Interactive Entertainment decided to steal the show by unveiling the design of the controller of its future PS5, one hour before the kickoff of the event of the American giant. Containment or not, builders obviously do not have time to be idle. It is therefore through an article on the PlayStation Blog that Jim Ryan, CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment has lifted the veil on the very futuristic look of this DualSense, which marks the break with the DualShock range which had accompanied the PlayStation since its first generation.

    It must be said that with its on-board haptic technology and its adaptive triggers, the new controller wants to mark the difference, and this change must obviously be visual, unlike Microsoft which has opted for the same Xbox One controller for its next generation. . On the side of this DualSense, we note to begin with the choice to opt for a double color, black and white, from which we can distinguish a pretty blue border which was already the hallmark of the PS4, and which seems to be the replacement for the light bar that we never saw anyway, given its position on the controller.

    PS5: Sony unveils the controller in full containment, here is the DualSense!
    Another detail that is important in terms of design, Sony has abandoned the different colors that represent the PlayStation symbols assigned to the buttons. For this generation, the keys will all be the same color. In terms of size, the controller indeed seems larger and thicker than the DualShock 4, as the patents that were filed a few months ago had suggested. However, if the change in appearance is recorded, there are however many similarities with the DualShock 4. The touchpad is still present, but seems to have widened. The directional cross specific to the PlayStation brand has not changed, as have the triggers, while the PlayStation logo is no longer encompassed and becomes a clickable button directly. We observe otherwise that an additional key appeared under the PlayStation logo. It is neither more nor less than the "mute" button which allows you to silence the microphone integrated in the controller, and with which it will be possible to communicate.

    PS5: Sony unveils the controller in full containment, here is the DualSense!
    On the other hand, we note the abandonment of the Share button, at least its name, since it is now called “Create” and Sony has promised to explain its functionalities in a future speech. Obviously, Sony Interactive Entertainment prefers to keep other cartridges to draw, in particular the final design of its PS5 which is desired; but with the design of this DualSense, we can already get an idea of ​​the look that the machine will sport. If the design seems to divide the players, it doesn't leave anyone indifferent, and that's the main thing.

    PS5: Sony unveils the controller in full containment, here is the DualSense!

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