Return to Silent Hill: Christope Gans unveils his new film with some images

    We will avoid pretending to be surprised since we had been in the know since last June when he granted us exclusive information: Christophe Gans was present during the Silent Hill Transmission livestream organized by Konami on this evening of October 19 2022. Since the French filmmaker has been working on a new film Silent Hill for several years now, the latter was invited by the Japanese publisher to discuss his first works. With some concept art in his arms, Christophe Gans reveals to us that his film, Return to Silent Hill, will be based on what was done with the game Silent Hill 2, an oh so major title in psychological horror. The story will allow us to follow in the footsteps of a man forced to return to the town of Silent Hill to try to find the woman he loves. Obviously, there, it's a real nightmare that will await him with this question that Christophe Gans asks himself: "How far is he ready to sacrifice his soul to find a loved one?".

    The latter is not alone in the video, since Victor Hadida (Samuel's brother, who died a few years ago) explains how he and Gans managed to convince Konami to let them use the name again and the image of Silent Hill to make a new film adaptation. In our interview last June, Christophe Gans explained that the Japanese publisher had been galvanized by the success (critical and commercial) of the Resident Evil remakes, which had launched the production of all these projects, both in video games , but also in cinema and TV series. Victor Hadida likes to remind that Gans is a lover of video games, and that he will strive to respect the original works in the most faithful of ways. The French filmmaker also works with Konami on many aspects of his film (“I am in almost daily contact with the people at Konami, he told us in an interview), in particular the creation of the designs for the new monsters. working on several Konami projects also provides inspiration and no doubt confidence.Christophe Gans also specifies that Pyramid Head will be back in this new film Return to Silent Hill, which promises to be a renewed experience. case, the shooting of the film will be launched in February 2023 in Serbia.

    Return to Silent Hill: Christope Gans unveils his new film with some images

    Return to Silent Hill: Christope Gans unveils his new film with some images

    Return to Silent Hill: Christope Gans unveils his new film with some images

    Return to Silent Hill: Christope Gans unveils his new film with some images

    Return to Silent Hill: Christope Gans unveils his new film with some images

    Return to Silent Hill: Christope Gans unveils his new film with some images

    Return to Silent Hill: Christope Gans unveils his new film with some images

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