Saints Row: Introducing the Gangs in the Story Trailer

    Saints Row: Introducing the Gangs in the Story Trailer
    This is the home stretch for Saints Row and the Volition studio, which has undoubtedly returned the copy of its game, since the release is imminent. So it's a good time to drop the Story Trailer and remember that this new Saints Row will not just be a sandbox where you can do anything and everything. The opportunity to once again present the gangs that will be in the game, namely The Idols, Los Panteros and Marshall Defense Industries, and to remember that the Boss will have the face of anyone since it is up to the player to create from scratch. Generous in images, this trailer is above all edited as a music video to impress us and reassure fans of the series: this reboot will still be fun, colorful and will offer situations that are still just as crazy. The release of Saints Row is expected for August 23 on PC, PS5, Xbox Series, PS4 and Xbox One.

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