Saints Row: the reboot has attracted a large number of players, a major update to come

    More than a million players walked the streets of Santo Ileso. This is indeed what Volition announces in a post published on the official Saints Row reboot site, stating that before focusing on the content of the game, the teams will first carry out a certain number of retouching. Moreover, a first major update will be deployed at the end of November. “We are aware that there is still work to do to improve your gaming experience; we are working tirelessly to fix the bugs you have reported and the adjustments you have proposed, can we read. of things we want to look at, but right now we're prioritizing improvements to existing content and not developing new features."

    Saints Row: the reboot has attracted a large number of players, a major update to come

    The studio adds, "This November update will fix over 200 bugs, improve stability, and specifically focus on challenges, general game stability, and co-op. We are well aware of the difficulties some players are having in co-op. We're sorry that fixing these issues is taking longer than expected, we're keen to test the fixes as appropriate. Still on the subject of co-op, we also know that the game doesn't always make it clear how and when it is. possible. So we are in the process of remedying that."

    According to what we have been told, other updates will follow and will once again take into account player feedback - making certain activities less repetitive, making challenges more rewarding, making vehicle management more fluid, or even improving functionalities. vibration and touch. In the meantime, Volition is kind enough to offer a cosmetic pack (Front to Back). It is accessible to all and completely free. Again, other content of the same type will be available later, but this time, for those with the Expansion Pass - which will be possible to buy separately from this month, knowing that it is included automatically in the Gold, Platinum and Notorious editions of Saints Row.

    For the record, the game was released on August 23 on consoles, PC and Stadia. Our test is located at this address.
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