TFT: Cheat sheet of the best compositions of Crvor in 9.23

Our articles on Combat Tactique TFT: Cheat sheet of Crvor's best compositions in 9.23 While patch 9.23 will last another week, patch 9.24 coming out on December 11, the French streamer Crvor presents his best compositions of the moment.

If Shaunz had given his advice for tackling patch 9.23 when it was released, it's now been almost two weeks since it's been in play, and the Teamfight Tactics meta continues to evolve. While patch 9.24 arrives in more than a week, Wednesday December 11 to be exact, it is this time on the best compositions of Crvor (and not Cruor), as well as its explanations, that we are going to lean.

I updated the album after feedback from @GM_jiva and @Shaunzpro.

Blademaster Nocturne image changed to include Rek'Sai. And the text of Shadow - Summoner now includes the version offered by Shaunz as an option.

— Crvor (@IamCrvor) December 1, 2019

Crvor is a consistently high ELO French streamer on Teamfight Tactics, who notably won the Kennen Cup at Paris Games Week.


S+ tier: Compo Wood / Druid / Assassin

According to Crvor, the best composition at the moment would be the hyper roll Wood / Druid / Assassin. Popularized very recently, it is mainly based on the hyper roll strategy, which we detail in our dedicated guide. Find his explanation of the composition, detailed in his cheat sheet.

TFT: Cheat sheet of the best compositions of Crvor in 9.23

« Presentation : A composition based on renekton Carry whose objective is to abuse the strength of levels 3 on units at 1 gold.

Strategy : Rise as quickly as possible to 50 golds, pass all Woodlands, renekton et Diana level 3. Only roll golds above 50. Put the three items as quickly as possible on Renekton.

Options : Double Gloves on 3 levels. Alt-carry is usually Diana ou LB. IE is correct in the absence of PD in the lobby. For level 8, add either 2 mystics, or two assassins after transforming Ivern in Killer. »

(Editor's note: Woodlands = Wood, Double Gloves = Thief Gloves, IE = Infinity Blade and PD = Phantom Dancer)

  • Also find our Wood / Druid / Assassin composition guide.

 S Tier: Compo Mage / Ocean / Summoner

It's the composition that dominates the meta the most since the many buffs it received in 9.23, it obviously remains at the top of the basket even after two weeks of play.

TFT: Cheat sheet of the best compositions of Crvor in 9.23

« Presentation : The first standard composition of Season 2 which continues to dominate the lobbies once installed.

Strategy : Pass level 8 to complete the synergies and obtain Brand 2 as quickly as possible. Do not hesitate to sacrifice economy to level up quickly and increase the chances of finding Annie, Yorick and especially Brand. The Phantom Danser in one of the corners is super useful to save time against assassin compositions.

Options : Discount instead of dragon fang on Brand in case there are very few mages. Mage's Cap on the fact Annie to summon every other time, 2 Tibbers. If we have Annie Mage, we replace syndra by Nami and we put a Mystique at level 9. Without Annie Mage, we put a big tank at level 9 (taric ou singed) or we put a second Brand or a second Annie. »

(Editor's note: Phantom danser = Phantom dancer, Mage's Cap = Mage's cap)

  • Also find our Mage / Ocean / Summoner composition guide.

S Tier: Compo Assassin / Master of Blades

If you get a Spatula at the start of the game, one of the strongest compositions to counter the Magi is theAssassin / Master of Blades, which is based on nocturne with a Deposed king blade.

TFT: Cheat sheet of the best compositions of Crvor in 9.23

« Presentation : A composition based on the powerful carry of nocturne once transformed into Blade Master.

Strategy : Use a spatula early to transform nocturne en Blade Master and build a strong and synergistic composition around it. sivir is extremely important in this composition since it is what allows Nocturne to put his damage through his CC. This composition is ideally played on a map Cloud to get Qiyana Cloud.
/! Only play this composition if you catch a spatula on the first or second carousel. /!

Options : Deathblade instead of PD on the fact nocturne in the absence of assassins. Disarm instead of Red Buff on the fact sivir. IE ou Archangel on the fact Kha'Zix. We play Aatrox before Master Yi. At level 9, you can enter a Lux Ocean or a Lux Cloud or a Lux Steel. Nocturne and Sivir must be level 3. In the absence of Nocturne, pass the stuff on Qiyana ou Kha'Zix.

(Editor's note: Blademaster = Blademaster, Cloud = Clouds, Deathblade = Doomblade, Disarm = Swordbreaker, Red buff = Red buff, Archangel = Seraph's Embrace)

  • Also check out our Blademaster/Assassin composition guide.

S Tier: Compo Shadows / Summoner 

Finally, Crvor's latest S Tier composition has remained on top since the 9.22 meta, as it relies on the Shadows synergy which has since been nerfed but is still viable. With Kindred in main carry, this composition is still very effective.

TFT: Cheat sheet of the best compositions of Crvor in 9.23

« Presentation : A composition based on the power of synergy 4 Shadow and the strength of Kindred which is currently played less than other 3 gold units.

Strategy : Quickly complete Synergy 4 Shadows, create a solid frontline with the summoners and get a strong damage bonus with the synergy Inferno. The main carry is Kindred which should be level 3 and the alt-carry is either MalzaharEither Master Yi if you get it early (level 7).

Options : IE, PD, RFC et Luden are also very good items on Kindred. Morello is very of course Malzahar ou Zyra. Guinsoo et BT are excellent on Yi. Before Yi, you have to play Weighs. A blademaster spatula on Kindred is possible once Yi obtained. We can then pass level 9 or cut Mystic to switch to 4 Blademasters / 4 Shadows.
A second version (credit to Shaunz), can sacrifice Cloud and Blademaster in the presence of Magi to increase Kindred's power and gain frontlane. Is removed Yasuo for Varus and we replace Zyra by Yorick.

(Editor's note: RFC = Ultra-rapid cannon, Shadow = Shadows, Inferno = Hell)

  • Also find our Shadows / Summoner composition guide.

 If you want to better understand how to play these compositions, we recommend that you visit the Crvor stream or follow him on Twitter. We also have a third list of compositions available on Breakflip.

TFT: Cheat sheet of the best compositions of Crvor in 9.23

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