TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics

Our articles on TFT Tactical Combat: Assassin and Desert composition on Teamfight Tactics How to play the Assassin / Desert composition? The writing explains everything: tips, composition, items, progress and positioning!

With the 6 Assassins and 4 Deserts bonus buffs in 10.2 on Teamfight Tactics, this new build finds itself front and center and is very strong if you find a Spatula early in the game.

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The Assassin/Desert Comp

TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics
The White
TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics Assassin (6)

       (With TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics)

Innate: Assassins jump to the furthest enemy at the start of combat.

Assassins deal 225% bonus damage on critical hits and have 20% additional critical chance.

TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics Desert (4)

At the start of the fight, opponents lose 100% of their armor.

Significant buffs on bonuses 6 Assassins and 4 Desert gave birth to this composition ex nihilo in 10.2. Thanks to the formidable damage of Kha'Zix, which will face opponents who have no armor, this composition is one of the strongest in the meta if you get your hands on one TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics Spatula for TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics Youmuu Specter Blade at the start of the game.

Preferred items

TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics
  TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics
Ultra-fast cannon
TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics
Infinity blade
  TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics  

Kha'Zix is the main carry of this composition, and has two particularly essential items on him. the Mercury allows him to be uncontrolled, which could severely cripple your damage against amumu, Nautilus, malphite... The Ultra-fast cannon is there for him to avoid Kha'Zix wasting too much time going around his allies to hit his target after using his ultimate thanks to an extra range.


As a third object, the Infinity blade will allow to one shot any fragile unit during the ultimate, but the TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics Thirst for blood will also be very strong if there is not too much anti-healing, allowing him to stay alive for a very long time. L' TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics Guardian angel can also be considered defensively, while the TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics Seraph's Embrace allows him to ultimate more often.

  TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics / TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics
Sivir / Azir
  TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics
Youmuu Specter Blade
    TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics    

La Youmuu Specter Blade is absolutely necessary for this composition, since it makes it possible to pass in 6 Assassins et 4 Deserts at level 8. It also allows you not to have to rely on Zed. If you can't find a TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics Spatula on the first Carrousels, it is better to pivot to another composition. It will generally be used on sivir, sometimes on Azir (if you can't find Sivir level 2).

  TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics
  TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics
Iron Solari Medallion
  TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics
Herald of Zeke
  TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics   TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics + TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics  

Qiyana is arguably the second best Assassin, which is why she will usually carry support items. the Iron Solari Medallion and Herald of Zeke work particularly well on this composition, since the Assassins will be positioned in line and will be able to take full advantage of it.

This composition can also use boilerplate objects, such as the TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics Zephyr on one of your Assassins for example. Finally, at the end of the game, it makes sense to start collecting objects for Zed on Carousels (TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics Guardian angel, TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics Redemption, TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics Warmog, living armor, TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics dragon claw...)

Start of the game and progress

If you get a Spatula when first Carousel, you should seriously consider going with this composition. Otherwise, if you want to force it, you will usually have to voluntarily lose the first rounds in order to be first to choose on the second Carrousel, and pray that there is another Spatula and you can have it.

Once your Spatula recovered, the plan is quite simple for this composition: you will want to play quickly with 3 Assassins + 2 Deserts (Diana, The White et Qiyana + renekton et Azir for example). and build your economy, since it is at level 8 that composition comes into its own. It is also possible to use Wood + Druid, with LeBlanc to make the transition to the Assassins.

To levels 6 and 7, you can add nocturne et Rek'Sai temporarily, the latter then being able to carry the objects that will go to Kha'Zix afterwards. Another possibility is to give them to Nocturne, even if it means selling it later and replacing it with another copy when you have Kha'Zix level 2.

Au 7 level, if you have Kha'Zix, you can already switch to 6 Assassins + 2 Deserts, and you can then roll a bit to try to find Kha'Zix level 2 and your other upgrades. Pay attention, however, to do not fall below 20 or 30 gold, to can pass level 8 quickly (at most in round 5-1) to enter the fourth Desert.

It is not interesting to pass 9 level in this composition: you won't really have a reason to roll a lot at level 8 once you have your level 2 units since you don't have any legendaries or champions to go to level 3, and it will then be possible to to add Zed instead of a Assassin and enter a third Summoner. With this in mind, it can be interesting to collect items for Zed on late-game Carousels.

Endgame and transitions

As said above, if the composition at level 8 is rather carved in stone, it will not be uncommon for you to push to level 9 since you don't really have any reason to roll much at level 8. As a result, you will be able to enter different units depending on the situation.

TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics
The White

TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics

At level 9, it may be interesting to replace Diana ou The White by Zed, and add a third Summoner so that his clones are very powerful. If you have Qiyana Hells, you will try to keep Diana and add Annie for the bonus Underworld, otherwise you would rather choose The White et Yorick.

TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics
The White

TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics
Lux Clouds

TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight TacticsLux Steel

Add a Luxury could also be interesting. If you have Qiyana Clouds, favor the associated Lux ​​for 25% dodge on your whole team, otherwise Lux Steel can also be used as a tank, with 3 seconds of immunity for her and nocturne. Finally, in rare cases, a Lux Bois allow her or The White to clone themselves at the start of combat. Another option if you have Zed and TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics Spatula in excess is to transform it into Light with TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics Talisman of Light and add Lux Light, so that his clones heal each other on death.

TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics
The White

TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics

If you just have Qiyana Mountain, you can add malphite for the bonus Mountain. Otherwise, any individually strong unit, such as amumu ou singed will do. A final option to consider is to put a second Kha'Zix niveau 2.

TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight TacticsKha'Zix

TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics
TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics

TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics
Lux Lightning

If you can't find a Spatula, you can always pivot your composition to another one which can also be very effective: Assassin / Summoner / Lightning. By Zed in carry and Kha'Zix in secondary carry, this composition will be formidable, especially if you are lucky enough to find Lux Lightning.

Positioning Tips

TFT: Compo Assassin and Desert on Teamfight Tactics

It is essential to have your units which are not Assassins (usually Azir ou sivir et renekton) on the backline, to force opposing champions forward, leaving their backline vulnerable to your units. Your champion equipped with the Youmuu should be positioned in a place forcing him to jump: if he is in range of an opposing champion, he will not jump.

Make sure to position your Qiyana in the middle of 4 other units in order to take advantage of your Iron Solari Medallion and your Herald of Zeke at most. For the corner in which you put your units, try to have your Assassins as opposed to opposing lanes if possible, so that they are targeted first.

This positioning can be modified according to the Elementary boxes. This composition works best on Hell cards, which provides attack speed from the start of mid-game fights. The Mountain cards will also be interesting, allowing you to enter Taliyah ou malphite for the bonus Mountain with Qiyana in the middle of the game. Finally, the Cloud cards will make the latter interesting too, especially with Lux Clouds at level 9.

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