TFT: Compo Kassadin Void Assassin

Our articles on TFT Tactical Combat: Void Assassin Kassadin Compo Very popular in recent tournaments, the Assassin / Void composition with Kassadin carry is a good way to climb the ladder easily.

The Assassin/Neutral line-up defined the meta for the Kennen Cup, a Teamfight Tactics competition between 16 French-speaking streamers hosted by Shaunz. This build is one of the most effective to climb the ladder in 9.17.

Read also: The Tier list of compositions

The composition


TFT: Compo Kassadin Void Assassin TFT: Compo Kassadin Void Assassin TFT: Compo Kassadin Void Assassin TFT: Compo Kassadin Void Assassin TFT: Compo Kassadin Void Assassin TFT: Compo Kassadin Void Assassin TFT: Compo Kassadin Void Assassin
Kassadin (1) Kha'Zix (1) Rek'Sai (2) Zed (2) Pyke (2) Evelynn (3) Rengar (3)

Preferred items

TFT: Compo Kassadin Void Assassin TFT: Compo Kassadin Void Assassin TFT: Compo Kassadin Void Assassin
TFT: Compo Kassadin Void Assassin TFT: Compo Kassadin Void Assassin TFT: Compo Kassadin Void Assassin TFT: Compo Kassadin Void Assassin TFT: Compo Kassadin Void Assassin TFT: Compo Kassadin Void Assassin
Youmuu Specter Blade Ultra-fast cannon Infinity blade



The purpose of this composition is to benefit from the 3 champions of the néant which only costs 1 or 2 gold to obtain them at level 3 so that they inflict high pure damage. For this, it is necessary to use the hard reroll strategy, which consists of saving your gold up to the Krugs and then spending it all on rerolls by seeking in priority Kassadine, Kha'Zix, Rek'Sai et Zed. Pyke can also be added to the list.

Once past the Krugs, if you haven't gotten your levels 3 yet, it's interesting to rebuild its economy up to the Lycans, then start rolling all your gold again in order to almost certainly unlock them at this point.

At the start of the game, an interesting option can be to deliberately go on a losing streak in order to have better choices on the first carousels to obtain a Spatula and BF Sword in order to transform Kassadine en Assassin. At level 3, with a Ultra-fast cannon and Infinity blade as a bonus, it should wreak havoc with massive pure damage crits.

This composition is only to be executed if you get your hands on the 3 champions of the néant early in the game, and you should know that the more players will try to roll for level 3, the lower your chances of finding them. Subsequently, it will be played as a composition Assassin / Void standard.

Sample game

During one of his streams, Hafu was able to demonstrate the power of this strategy. If she preferred to opt for a strong start to the game, which made obtaining the Spatula more difficult for her Kassadin, she nevertheless managed to win the game thanks to her pure damage crits.

TFT: Compo Kassadin Void Assassin

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