TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist

Our articles on TFT Tactical Combat: Compo Lux with Arcanist How to play the Lux comp with Arcanist and Scholar? The editorial staff offers you a guide on champions, the process, items, hextech increases and positioning.

The composition Luxury de Teamfight Tactics is the most reliable magic damage comp in the game because it's easy to hit.

Here is our guide to approach the composition, with the champions to play, Program, important objects, hextech augmentations and positioning tips.

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Lux and Vex composition with Arcanist and Scholar

TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist

Luxury is a very flexible carry, as it benefits as much from the traits Student (Academy), Arcanist et Scholar (Scholar). As a result, she can be played with lots of different compositions that allow her to one-shot the opposing backline with her spell.

You can play it with 4 Arcanistes et Vex 3 stars in main tank, with scholars, with 4 StudentsWith Gardes du corps (body guard)... Another very relevant option is to play Stars (Socialite) if the square is in the last line to boost the damage and the mana of Luxury.

Unfolding and passages of levels

Here usually the rounds in which you want to level up. Those marked with a * are to be preferred if you are in a winning streak so you can play more aggressively.

4 level : Round 2-3 (or 2-1*)
5 level : Round 2-7 (or 2-5*)
6 level : Round 3-2 (or 3-1*)
7 level : Round 4-1 (or 3-5*)
8 level : Round 5-1 (or 4-5*)

Le 9 level can be a victory condition but is not mandatory in this composition.

The stuff to favor on Lux and Vex

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Lux (main carry)
TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist

The objects of Luxury are to be adapted according to the surrounding units. If it has 4 Scholars or an interesting Star space, it can be played with three offensive objects, otherwise it benefits more from having at least a mana object.

Typical build

TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist
TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist + TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist
TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist
TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist
+ TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist
TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist
TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist + TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist

Other options

  Damage What
Tier S TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist
Tier A
TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist   
Tier B
TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist

Vex (main tank)TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist

If you see you can play Vex 3 stars, she can be your main tank. Otherwise, favor champions like Gallium ou Brew for example. Either way, it's important to have a tank with defensive items.

Typical build

TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist
TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist + TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist
TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist
TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist + TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist
TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist
TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist + TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist

Other options

  defensive objects
Tier S TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist
Tier A
TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist
Tier B
TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist

Other Interesting Items

TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist Thief Gloves : Viktor can be an interesting secondary carry with Thief's Gloves or other items like a TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist Shojin, for an TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist Discount, for an TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist Precious Gauntlet...

TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist Griffe de Banshee et TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist Chalice of Power : Support items can be interesting to protect or boost your Lux.

TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist tear of the goddess : Don't forget to put a component on Janna if you play 2 scrap dealers (Scrap). Ideally Tear of the Goddess is best, but usually put in what you have left.

Best Hextech Augments

Always try to choose a Hextech Augmentation based on what you need : generally at the beginning of the game it is appropriate to take a generic Augment since you do not yet know what you are going to play, and then you should try to reinforce the strengths of your composition. 

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Runic Shield : The shields on your Arcanists make your composition much more tanky.
Share the Spotlight : If the Featured square is in a place where you can have all 7 squares, this square can be extraordinary.
Sunfire board : This increase can help put opposing carries under Lux's one-shot threshold.
Spell blade : This increase increases the DPS of your Warlocks.
Cram session : With this increase you can play 4 Students for maximum benefit.

obviously a lot of Hextech Augmentations are interesting, including ones that give you Emblems or count as additional characters to boost your traits.

What to choose as an emblem (spatula object)?

TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist Student (Academy) (TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist + TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist): This emblem allows you to play 4 Students, and is excellent on Viktor.
TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist Araniste (TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist + TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist) : With this emblem you can go into 6 Arcanists for example, or remove a weak champion and play only 4. It can be relevant on champions like Yuumi, Seraphine ou Orianna.
TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist Celebrities (Socialite) : If the Star box is well positioned, this Emblem can be interesting.
TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist Scholar (Scholar) : You can play 4 Scholars more easily with this Emblem.

You can use any more boilerplate emblem like TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist Bodyguard (Bodyguard), TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist Techno-chemist (Chemtech) ou TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist Fighter (Bruiser).

As usual, the TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist Tactician's Crown is always a great option.

Positioning Tips

TFT: Compo Lux with Arcanist
(Link LoLchess)

Luxury : You always want to have her in the back line, avoiding putting her in the corner against champions like Blitzcrank for example. Put her ideally opposite the opposing carries so that she targets them with her laser. If you have a box Star in the last line, it may be interesting to put Lux.

Vex / Frontline : Try to have your frontline opposite Lux's board so that the enemies go around it and therefore line up as much as possible in the laser.

Other backline champions : Other Arcanists, Scholars, Stars etc. should be put in the last line around Lux ​​to protect her.

yummi : It is often interesting to put Yuumi next to your frontline so that she gives him an additional shield.

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