TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire

Our articles on Combat Tactique TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire How to play the composition Reroll Riven with Legionnaire? The editorial staff offers you a guide on champions, items and positioning!

After many buffs, Riven is ultimately a relevant carry on Teamfight Tactics Set 5, capable of inflicting heavy physical damage and remaining competitive in the late game once 3 stars.

here is our non-exhaustive guide to approach the composition, with the champions to play, important objects, and finally positioning tips. He will be later updated to add more details about the victory conditions and game flow.

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The composition Reroll Riven with Legionnaire

TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire

Riven is capable of inflicting incredible physical damage with the right composition and the right items. A special feature of this version is the presence of 3 Verdant (Verdant) which allow him to do without a Mercury and remain immune to controls at the start of combat. It is recommended slow roll at level 7 or 8 to get Riven 3 star champions rather than going for level 9 at the end of the game.

This composition also has the advantage of being flexible: you can play 6 Legionnaires (especially if you have good items on Mordekaiser or if you have a Spatula), or fetch 4 or 6 Heralds of Dawn (Dawnbringer). You can also rotate on a compo Reroll Yasuo if you have better items for him.

Preferred items

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Riven (carry principal)TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire

Riven Mostly benefits from items that help him deal physical damage. She usually wants an attack speed item (or rather a Runaan so that it hits more targets), a damage item et a defensive object. If she has a Mercury, you can do without Verdant.

Typical build

TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire
TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire + TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire
TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire
TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire + TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire
TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire
TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire + TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire

Other options

  Attack speed attack damage Free
Tier S TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire
Tier A
TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire    TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire
Tier B
  TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire

Mordekaiser (secondary tank/carry)

TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire

Typical build

TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire
TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire + TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire
TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire
TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire + TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire
TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire
TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire + TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire

Most of the time, Mordekaiser will act as a secondary tank/carry with your remaining components. Ideally he wants a healing item, a defensive object et a third freer object.

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Other options

  Happiness Defense Free
Tier S TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire
Tier A
TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire
Tier B
TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire  TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire


Other Interesting Items

TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire Frozen Heart (Shadow or Normal) : If you play Diana, giving her a Frozen Heart so that she slows down the attack speed of opposing carries and casts faster is very relevant.
TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire Redemption : You have a lot of melee champions in this comp that are susceptible to splash damage. A Redemption on taric, Thread ou Mordekaiser can help against some matchups.

Items for Yasuo: When you roll for 3 star Riven, you can sometimes find 3 stars. It may be interesting to give him leftover objects, or TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire Thief's Gloves.

What to do with a Spatula?

TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire Legionnaire (TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire + TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire): You can more easily play 6 Legionnaires with this Spatula, which can go on Diana ou Thread for example.
TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire Dawnbringer (TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire + TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire): You can play 4 Heralds of Dawn with this Spatula. She is interesting about Mordekaiser.

As usual, the TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire Force of nature is always a great option.

Positioning Tips

TFT: Compo Reroll Riven with Legionnaire

You want at all costs to prevent your Riven be the first champion targeted by opponents. To do so, you can indent it by one box. It may be relevant to put it opposite the opposing composition so that it bypasses the frontline and goes directly towards the backline.

Remember to maximize the efficiency of Verdant (Verdant) by putting a maximum of champions likely to be controlled nearby at the start of the fight so that they benefit from immunity.

Remember to scout regularly so that your Diana is on the right side so that it is in the area where there are the most units to be most effective. 

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