TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian

Our articles on Tactical Combat TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Sentinel and Canonnier (Cannoneer) composition with Lucian How to play the Sentinel and Canonnier composition with Lucian? The editorial staff offers you a guide on champions, items, radiant objects and positioning.

Lucian is an excellent physical DPS on Teamfight Tactics 5.5 September, with a Sentinel composition built around him and his damage.

Here is our guide to approach the composition, with the champions to play, important objects, items radiants and positioning tips.

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The Sentinel and Canonnier composition with Lucian and Akshan

TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian

Lucian can inflict massive damage with the accompaniment of sentinels which give it a lot of survivability, but also the Cannoneers to increase its damage. Gallium can be a great tank with the right defensive items, while Akshan can act as a secondary carry late in the game.

If it's easy to play 4 Gunners, you can usually replace Tristana et Miss Fortune at the end of the game in favor of more interesting synergies: Battleships (Ironclad), Mystics, or even a combination of revenants with volibear et Ivern for zone controls

The stuff to focus on Lucian, Galio and Akshan

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Lucian (main carry)TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian

Lucian is relatively flexible in terms of its objects. He usually wants two physical damage offensive items, And a third most defensive (with life theft for example).

Typical build

TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian
TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian + TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian
TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian
TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian + TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian
TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian
TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian + TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian

Other options

  Damage Defense
Tier S TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian
Tier A
TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian
Tier B
TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian

Galio (tank principal)TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian

Gallium becomes extremely hard to kill with 6 Sentinels if you equip defensive items on him. He can use a lot of it, and it's often a good idea to give it to him to improve your composition.

Typical build

TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian
TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian + TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian
TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian
TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian + TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian
TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian
TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian + TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian

Other options

  defensive objects
Tier S TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian
Tier A
TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian
Tier B
TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian

Akshan (secondary carry)TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian

Akshan may be relevant to equip in the late game with your leftover items. He particularly enjoys having a mix with one or two healing/defense items et damage items. You have to make the best of the components you have left.

Typical build

TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian
TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian + TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian
TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian
TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian + TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian
TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian
TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian + TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian

Other options

  Damage Defense
Tier S TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian 
Tier A
TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian
Tier B
TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian

Other Interesting Items

TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian morellonomicon ou TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian Solar Cape : Anti-healing and burn damage are interesting in the vast majority of games. These items are fine Gallium or Pyke.

TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian Zeke's Crest : It can be very interesting to boost the attack speed of your Gunners as well as Akshan. This object can go on Senna.

The best radiant items

Always try to choose radiant items according to what you need : if you don't have all the items in your main carry yet, take a light item from it. Conversely, if he already has three items, favor utility or items for a secondary carry. 

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  • TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with LucianTFT Set 5.5: Radiant items, all info about new items

Here are the light objects we recommend for this composition.

Lucian / Akshan TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian
Gallium TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian
Utility TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian

What to choose as an emblem (spatula object)?

TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian Sentinelle : This emblem allows you to play 9 Sentinels at the end of the game, or simply to play 8 by getting rid of one of your weak units like Irelia or Rakan.
TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian Canonnier : You can more easily pass into 4 Gunners with this emblem. It is relevant to Akshan.
TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian Prowler : You can change one of your champions as Lucian ou Rakan in Ranger to boost Akshan's attack speed.

You can use any defensive emblem like TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian Battleship (Ironclad), TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian Rider, TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian Mystique ou TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian Chevalier (Knight) to increase your frontline.

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  • TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with LucianTFT Set 5.5: Tome of Emblems, the new way to get Spatula items

As usual, the TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian Force of nature is always a great option.

Positioning Tips

TFT: Compo Sentinelle et Canonnier (Cannoneer) with Lucian

The positioning of Lucian is very important: if you put him in the corner, he can be targeted quickly by champions like Vel'Koz ou Zyra, the latter being able to interrupt his spell. Do not hesitate to change sides regularly to prevent it from being stunned, or to put it in the third line.

Gallium is interesting to put alone in the frontline, especially if he has a Lithoplastron of the Gargoyle. You can bring him closer to your Lucian if you are afraid that the opposing composition is positioned on the same side as him and cannot target him too quickly.

Try putting your Akshan so that it targets the same opponent as Lucian at the start of the fight so that both benefit from its armor reduction. Moreover, if you put him on the same side as the opposing carries, there is a good chance that he will attack them with his spell.

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