TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist

Our articles on Tactical Combat TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist How to play the composition Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist? The editorial staff offers you a guide on champions, the process, items, hextech increases and positioning.

The composition Urgot de Teamfight Tactics is one of the most fluid and simple to play, while being particularly effective once you have all your pieces.

Here is our guide to approach the composition, with the champions to play, Program, important objects, hextech augmentations and positioning tips.

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The composition Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist (Chemtech)

TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist

Urgot can be an excellent physical DPS, capable of inflicting heavy continuous damage to the frontline, while benefiting from a particularly durable team with the Techno-chemists (Chemtech). These can also allow Dr. World become a nearly unkillable tank in the late game., although you can also equip Soot Kench if you have it quickly.

This composition is not the most flexible, almost always playing a combination of 3 to 7 Techno-chemists and 2 to 6 Fighters (Bruiser). However, you have different secondary carry options, such as Jinx, Soot Kench ou Viktor.

Unfolding and passages of levels

Here usually the rounds in which you want to level up. Those marked with a * are to be preferred if you are in a winning streak so you can play more aggressively.

4 level : Round 2-3 (or 2-1*)
5 level : Round 2-7 (or 2-5*)
6 level : Round 3-2 (or 3-1*)
7 level : Round 4-1 (or 3-5*)
8 level : Round 5-1 (or 4-5*)

Le 9 level can be a victory condition but is not mandatory in this composition.

The stuff to favor on Urgot and Dr. Mundo

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Urgot (carry principal)
TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist

Urgot is a fairly standard physical DPS, with the particularity of having a rather short range. As a result, it's usually best to give him at least a defensive object to go with his two offensive objects.

Typical build

TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist
TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist + TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist
TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist
TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist
+ TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist
TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist
TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist + TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist

Other options

  Damage Defense
Tier S TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist
Tier A
 TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist 
Tier B
TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist

Dr. Mundo / Tahm Kench (main tank)TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist

Dr. Mundo particularly benefits from Techno-Chemist and Fighter, both of which can make him very resilient with defensive items. You can also equip Soot Kench in tank if you have it quickly.

Typical build

TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist
TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist + TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist
TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist
TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist + TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist
TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist
TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist + TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist

Other options

  defensive objects
Tier S TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist
Tier A
TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist
Tier B
TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist

Other Interesting Items

TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist Solar Cape ou TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist morellonomicon : Anti-care and burning are interesting with this composition. The Solar Cape can go on any of your tanks, and the morellonomicon can be carried by Viktor ou Lisandra.

Items for JinxJinx can be a very interesting late-game secondary carry with physical damage items like TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist Infinity blade, TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist Guinsoo, TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist hand of justice...

Items for Viktor : If you have a lot of components for magic damage / mana generation items, you can instead make Viktor your secondary carry.

Best Hextech Augments

Always try to choose a Hextech Augmentation based on what you need : generally at the beginning of the game it is appropriate to take a generic Augment since you do not yet know what you are going to play, and then you should try to reinforce the strengths of your composition. 

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Instant injection : This increase is probably the best you can get as it boosts your Techno-Chemists.
: With a lot of HP on your Fighters, the value of the Exile's shield is very important.
Shrug it off : HP regeneration for Fighters can make them more durable.
Chemical overload : The explosion of your Techno-chemists adds relevant damage to your fights.
Sharpshooter : This increase significantly increases the DPS of Urgot and Jinx.

obviously a lot of Hextech Augmentations are interesting, including ones that give you Emblems or count as additional characters to boost your traits.

What to choose as an emblem (spatula object)?

TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist Techno-chemist (Chemtech) (TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist + TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist): This emblem allows you to play 7 Techno-chemists at the end of the game and can go to Jinx ou Soot Kench.
TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist Fighter (Bruiser) : With this emblem you can go into 6 Fighters more easily by putting it on Lisandra, Viktor, Jinx...
TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist Mutant (TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist + TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist) : If it is a good mutation (Voidborn, Metamorphosis), it may be relevant to change Urgot ou Viktor in Mutant and to enter a 3rd one.

You can use any more boilerplate emblem like TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist Arcanists (TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist + TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist), TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist Enforcer ou TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist Scholar (Scholar).

As usual, the TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist Tactician's Crown is always a great option.

Positioning Tips

TFT: Compo Urgot and Dr. Mundo with Techno-chemist

Urgot : Urgot has a short range, which is why it is often interesting to put it in the 2nd or 3rd line so that it does not lose precious seconds of DPS by advancing.

Frontline : Vi is interesting in front of Urgot to remove armor from his targets, while Zac should be next to Lissandra to bring opponents into her spell.

Other backline champions : The other champions of the composition simply go to the last line, with if possible Viktor who hits the same target as Urgot to remove his armor.

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