TFT PBE Mobile, is it possible to try Set 4.5 on the phone?

Our articles on Tactical Combat TFT PBE Mobile, is it possible to try Set 4.5 on the phone? TFT PBE Mobile, is it possible to try Set 4.5 on the phone? Unfortunately, it is not possible to access the PBE via mobile to try TFT's Set 4.5.

Teamfight Tactics Set 4.5 is already available on the PBE for those who want to try it before the official release date. Unfortunately for mobile players, the PBE (or Public Beta Environment, the test server) is not available on smartphones, so you will need to go through a computer to access it.

As a reminder, Set 4.5 brings twenty new champions, new classes and origins, and will be released on Thursday January 21 2021.

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Register on the LoL PBE to test Set 4.5

To join the PBE, nothing could be simpler: just go to this address to download the PBE client on your PC or Mac, and you should be able to log into it with your account. If you can't, try creating a new account.

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On the PBE you will have a bit of ping since the servers are located in North America. It is also possible that you will take a while to be able to connect since many players will want to try Set 4.5. Arm yourself with patience!

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