Uncharted: the film with Tom Holland available on Sony BRAVIA CORE in Blu-ray 4K HDR quality

    Released on February 16 at the cinema, Uncharted is a film that has had a comfortable success. With 401 million dollars at the box office and more than 2.5 million admissions in Spain, Ruben Fleischer's film is therefore one of the great successes of 2022 in cinema. But as everyone knows, the life of a film continues its course on video and today, Uncharted is davailable on VOD for purchase and June 22 on VOD rental. As for those who swear only by the physical (and they are right), know that in a few days, it will be possible to buy DVDs and Blu-rays in all their forms. However, users of the Sony BRAVIA CORE service, which is none other than Sony's streaming service for people who own the latest television models, can now enjoy the film in the best possible conditions. Indeed, we remind you that the Sony BRAVIA CORE is the only streaming service that integrates Pure Stream technology to obtain audio and video quality equivalent to that of 4K UHD Blu-rays with a bit rate of up to 80 MB. What to iron the best sequences of the film, like the passage where we see Tom Holland giving the reply to Nolan North.

    Just a quick reminder, though: the BRAVIA CORE app is a preloaded video service offering up to 10 movies and 24 months of unlimited streaming credit with the purchase of a BRAVIA XR TV. As of this year, 2022, BRAVIA CORE is available in over 75 countries.

    Uncharted: the film with Tom Holland available on Sony BRAVIA CORE in Blu-ray 4K HDR quality

    Uncharted: the film with Tom Holland available on Sony BRAVIA CORE in Blu-ray 4K HDR quality

    Uncharted: the film with Tom Holland available on Sony BRAVIA CORE in Blu-ray 4K HDR quality

    Uncharted: the film with Tom Holland available on Sony BRAVIA CORE in Blu-ray 4K HDR quality

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