Detroit Become Human: 7 million games sold, David Cage left a message to players

    Detroit Become Human: 7 million games sold, David Cage left a message to players
    While the Quantic Dream studio has just celebrated its 25th birthday, David Cage, its co-founder, wrote a message on the official blog to remember the first steps of his company created on May 1, 1997. Omikron: The Nomad Soul was the studio's first game, before moving on to Fareinheit then Heavy Rain, the first real success of the Parisian studio and which then specialized in narrative adventure games. The latest title, Detroit Become Human, has just crossed the threshold of 7 million copies sold. This is 1 million more copies since July 6, 2021 when Quantic Dream announced 6 million Detroit sold.

    With the success of Detroit: Become Human and its 7 million copies sold, Quantic Dream is now an independent publisher that finances and markets its productions, and supports other independent studios. We have gone multi-project, we have significantly increased our workforce, notably with the opening of a second studio in Montreal, and recently we announced Star Wars Eclipse, the most ambitious game in our history and a dream come true.


    If Quantic Dream has managed to prove to LucasFilms Games that it is capable of meeting the challenge of a Star Wars game, we must not forget that the French studio has long worked for the needs of Sony Interactive Entertainment, by offering 3 exclusives that are Heavy Rain, Beyond Two Souls and Detroit Become Human. With the arrival of NetEase in its capital, Quantic Dream has become an independent publisher, capable of self-financing now, but also of seeking new studios to support them in their various projects. Affected by accusations of toxic culture, Quantic Dream is still on trial and has not failed to recall its commitment to inclusion.

    As an organization, we are continually working to improve ourselves, to reinforce our commitment to being a more diverse and inclusive company, and to ensuring that our games accurately represent all communities. It's a commitment we've always had and will continue to reinforce in our culture and in all of our future games.


    While waiting for the end of the story in court, Quantic Dream is multiplying projects, since according to some insiders, the studio is at work on two other games in addition to Star Wars Eclipse. It is rumored that one of them would be a game that would take up the concept of the Dark Sorcerer demo that was released in 2013, during E3.

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